Monday, October 26, 2009

Smile are all that is left..

What can I do right now? I suppose I have the option to do whatever I please. I really don't have to do anything. Except smile. Because that is all that there is left to do. Smile. Smile. Smile. Grinning from ear to ear. I am smiling.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I can be your friend...

To a certain someone:

I am not even sure why I am writing this. I think it is because I am much better at conveying my emotions and thoughts through writing rather than I am verbalizing them. So here it goes, do not fear this isn't a hate letter or an a feeble attempt to win you back. It's true during the few months we dated I fell for you and definitely did not anticipate it or necessarily even want it. But it happened and I knew from the get go that my feelings were much stronger for you then yours were for me. After all you just got out of a two year relationship and I hadn't been in a relationship in a over a year. Then you came along and I got brave and went for it. Not something I do often mind you. And I am not writing this to win you back, that just seems like a waste of time and energy. I just want you to know that I loved every minute we have spent together as friends, and every minute we spent as more. And I look forward to sharing more moments together as friends. I will cherish your friendship, and even though at times I may have the urge to grab your hand or give you a kiss, I wont. I'll just give you a hug instead and be your friend instead. (Please give me hugs at least, weak pats on the back or side hugs don't cut it) I just want you to know that you are a wonderful person and that any girl that catches you and keeps you is one lucky gal. So good luck to you Tyler and thanks for everything.

