Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random Thoughts......

Want a piece of my mind? Well, I'll give ya piece. Tasty too, I promise. So as of recently my ankle has been getting the best of me. It has been 8 + months and I just want to be able to do what I used to be able to to do: run, hike, ski, climb, heck walk without a limp. The worst though is the pain. If I go and be active, afterward the pain sometimes becomes unbearable. It is just so freaking frustrating. Ya know I try to stay positive and I think for the most part I do a pretty darn good job. So, it's okay to let myself feel upset every once in a while. It's natural and healthy. I am just going to keep doing what I do best and keep working hard to recover. I know I can do I just have to believe and push through the fear and the pain. It will get better. It has too.

Another thing on my mind is Ultimate. I have been part of the NAU women's ultimate team since I began college and this past fall I became a captain. I have invested so much time and commitment to the team and I don't even play. I know I have full capability of being a leader but sometimes I just don't see the benefit in helping others play when I haven't particpated in 8 months. Sometimes I feel my time would be better spend elsewhere. Today, Emily my roommate and fellow captain said I should speak up more in practice. And I should. I need to change something. Hidden deep within me there is an enthusiatic leader but I have seem to buried it somewhere. I have to dig to find it. I know I can be a benefit to this team and myself if I just muster up the courage to actually do it. I need to stop dwelling in my sorrows, suck it up, and lead like I know how.

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