Monday, December 29, 2008


So the year 2008 is coming to close. Another chapter is finished and new unpredictable exciting new chapter is about to begin. 2009. 2008 was a year for spiritual growth and to learn from experience. A lot of things happened. It was a year of breaks. My heart broke as well as my ankle (which shattered). Looking back, heart break seemed like nothing compared to my ankle. My heart healed quickly and without any physical pain. Unlike my ankle which still (8 months later) still hurts and will not heal fully for a year. I think it is a good thing though I am more dependent on myself then another person. Heart break illustrates my dependency on someone else for happiness.
However, my ankle as a normal working body part enables me to be fully independent. When I was first injured for about a month or two I was not able to take care of myself. I had to be dependent on other people. People to feed me, help me shower, wheel me, you name it, I needed help. It was hard to let them help me. Unfortunately, I had no choice. But I learned to let them and value my independence and working body parts even more. I also learned to be completely fully happy with myself for the first time. Here I was facing what some may view as a devastating injury but I tried to view it as an opportunity for growth. And grown I have. I believe and significantly. I have been more focused, more present, and have the ability to be happy even in a grim situation. To truly find the sliver lining.
Some memorable events of 2008:
January: Break up with Pat
March: Green Chili Fest (Leahy, aunt Diane), Spring Break at Joshua Tree National Park = incredible
April: Shattering of the ankle
July: Potlatch
August: Durango Hat
October: Tequila Sunrise, Hash Run
November: Birthday in California, T-day with Rosi and family

To conclude 2008 was a year with many falls and getting on my feet again but I have done it. I am certainly on my feet again and hope to stay that way. I will close this chapter of my life but will never forget it. Not for a second. So here's to 2008 for teaching how to live more fully. And here's to 2009 and may it bring new opportunities, a bit of luck, love, prosperity, growth, and continuous improvement in all areas of my life.


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