Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have been feeling anxious lately. So, what's new? Nothing. I know. Yet, there is something stirring inside of me. Yet, I cannot place what exactly it is that is stirring. Perhaps, it could be because I am leaving Flagstaff in one month and after that, a new strangely familiar world will unfold. I have the summer planned. I am working at camp until August and then to Ecuador for a month. When I come back I have to begin an internship, somewhere, somehow. But I don't know where yet. But I know it's going to be somewhere new, somewhere I don't know anyone. Making friends in college is easy but what about when I am alone in a new place. Part of me just wants to say fuck it and stay in Flagstaff. However, that's the easy way. I am not even going to apply for an internship here. I know if I do, I will stay in Flagstaff and find myself stuck in the mud unable to move about freely and explore the world around me. So instead of sinking further into the mud, I am going to wriggle my legs free now. Even as frightening as it may seem, I know it will be the best option. One can only grow and learn from change.

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