Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flagstaff...fare thee well

Four years have come to pass. And sooner than I would like I willing be leaving the place in which I have grown to love immensely, Flagstaff. It seems almost like yesterday I was an eager, naive, and awkward 18 year old ready to take on the world of college. From the moment I arrived this place just felt right. The perfect fit. The memories and friends I will be holding on to are more than I could have ever imagined. It is here that I have grown into the confident and life embracing woman I am now. I do not know what my life would be like had I not gone to school here but I do know it would have been a hell of a lot lamer. Today is the 23rd of April and I leave on 14th of May. Less then a month left of this life changing place. Although, it saddens my greatly that I will be bidding this glorious place farewell I know that I can thrive anywhere I go. Flagstaff will be forever a reminder of just how wonderful life can be. So when times get rough I'll just think of a memory I had in Flagstaff and know I can have that again. It is all about the attitude you have going to into it. Instead, of wallowing in my sorrows of leaving Flagstaff. I will thank Flagstaff. Thank you for showing me how to live more fully.

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