Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am learning a lot about myself. Everyday I think you can learn about you and strive for improvement. Right now I am currently dating a boy whom I am falling for. And I am learning that when I am in a relationship I tend to be a lot more insecure with myself. Always worrying about nonsense . For example, he is in school and really busy so we don't hang out as much as I would like. But even though he tells me, texts me, calls, when he doesnt see me go into freak out mode instantly. All of sudden these ridiculous thoughts swarm my mind a like an attack of killer bees. (Okay may more like a swarm of bumble bees fighting over pollen). Anyways, my mind is jumping from one irrational thought to another. "Is he going to break up with me?" "Does he like me still?" "Do I like him more than he likes me?" "Maybe I am not mature enough for a relationship." Etc..etc.... You get the idea. Well when it comes down to it I bring myself back to reality and logic, and realize he does still like me. And even if he didn't? The world isn't going to end. Not even close. I find myself becoming to dependent on someone else. I am letting my emotion rule me. Not logic. This could be the result of infatuation or the beginnings of a new love. Irregardless, I am not always secure with myself in a relationship. But I realize that and am working on it. My goal is to be as confident in a relationship as I am with myself any other time. He like's me for after all, and if hee don't, he aint worth the trouble.

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