Sunday, August 23, 2009

these times...they are a changin'

It is happening again. Life. Dang it it always sneak up on me. I recently moved to Ft. Collins, CO and thus far I am enjoying it. I will be going on week 3. And FoCo is beginning to grow on me. The foothills of Lory State Park, where I work is lovely. Too bad I am stuck in the visitor center all day. It's alright though, it is a good experience for me. Working with people and money. The life I was growing accustomed to is fading away. No more week day drinking, no more days of unproductivity, no more Jines, no more Flag, no more 'best friend' roommates. Instead, I work 8 to 5 Wednesday through Sunday, live with strangers, have a new boyfriend, and have to make new friends. It's hard at times because I only have 4 people to hang out with. But I am going to make an effort and join the community and hopefully meet people that way. It' always strange moving somewhere new but change, can change you for the better if you are willing to let it. So I am going to this in stride and continue growing as an human the best I can. And to a special boy out there. I am falling for you.

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