Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Welcome

Another year has come and past. And today is the beginning of a New Year, and a new decade. 2009 was quite a year. The word that comes to mind when reflecting on 2009 is surprising. Pleasantly so, of course. 2009 was one of the best years I have had yet.
I graduated college. I left Flagstaff. I fell in love. I healed. I ran. I moved to Colorado. It was a year well spent and I've gotta wonderful feeling about this 2010 business. Some people who left a significant mark on my heart in 2009. Tyler Cleaver, for letting me fall in love with you. Twice. And for making me want to become a better person, and for putting a ridiculous grin on my face each and every day. I love you. Emily Rose, because you are beautiful. And I want you to know that. One day you will. Kristine Sednek for taking me under her wing when I moved to a new town and having insane amounts of fun with. Deepa Balaraman for hanging out with me every weekend in FoCo. It's been awesome. Rosi Fry, for being the closest to a sister I'll ever have. Mallory Kendall for our friendship that never stops growing. Michael Gavillot, for simply being there for me no matter what and for making laugh all the time. David Chan for watching out for me and letting our friendship build.

There are some things I would like to work on and improve within myself for 2010. Honesty. I would like to be completely honest with everyone I know including myself. I would like to tell people what I think without fearing the consequences. I would like to be more motivated towards life.

I would like to continue loving myself and every minute of everyday. I want to laugh, grow, see, explore, love, feel free and happy. And to never forget to smile.

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