Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here comes the sun

Summer time has almost begun. Only a few weeks left of school and then my summer will kick off with a bang. I will begin with a Wilderness First Responder course. This is a course in which I will receive safety, first aid, and how to handle extreme situations in a wilderness setting. I am looking forward to it. It may exhausting and strenuous but worth it. This course will definitely help with future jobs. As soon as that the W.O.F.R ends I will begin my job as a camp counselor at Camp Jackson. I absolutely LOVE this job. It is just glorious. Not only do I learn a lot about myself but I learn a lot about children and people in general. It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to share my love for the outdoors with others. Especially, children. To see city kids embrace nature, get dirty, and love life is the most rewarding experience. That is why I am not concerned with the little pay I receive because the memories are unforgettable. Not to mention, so are the people. I am getting quite excited for this summer and know good times, crazy times, and stressful times will be had. So BRING IT ON!

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