Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This week has been one of those off weeks. You know a week when everything seems to go completely wrong. I woke up Sunday morning with the flu which has put me out of commission for most of the week. Alas, it had to be the week when I had a test and two presentations due on Monday and Tuesday. I have been sick, out of it, and without for three days. And the other night I realized that I am a perpetual optimist and always find the good in things, even when I am sick. I decided that it is okay to experience different emotions besides happiness. So I became upset and angry that I have been sick, stressed, and admitted I am having a bad week. I am alright with that and work towards expressing those emotions when I have them again. Because I am a human and I do in fact feel sad, lonely, angry, confused, and stressed at times. What is even better is that I have every right to. Just as anyone else. So with this realization I am feeling quite positive about life in general. I love just growing more as person every day. And beginning to express all the emotions I feel will help me grow even more.

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