Sunday, June 15, 2008

Something missing.... has been good lately, all things considering that is. I am in sunny and beautiful Flagstaff with wonderful people. Yet.....something is missing. I just can't quite place it. It could be my ankle, Pat left, or anything. I am restless and have found myself quite bored lately. I am just not satisfied. It's not that I don't do anything....I suppose it could be that I can't expend my restlessness as I would normally. I find myself wanting a change, not necessarily anything drastic; but anything. A change scenery, hell a change in people. Maybe I need to start a new hobby, or even pick up an old one. I don't know and that's alright with me. But the unpredictable normal life I typically am used to is temporarily gone. It's always the same problem, same people, same place, same ho hum life. Which is fine BUT I want, need to go somewhere and get out, enjoy my summer like I should. SO I am going to. I just began planning a trip to San Diego over the Fourth and I think that will a good temporary change of place, people, and scenery. Right now I am just waiting for something to happen. Nothing exciting in life happens to those who wait, exciting things happen to people who make them happen. So I say fuck my ankle, get over Pat, and get on with my awesome life.

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